Viewing entries tagged
Sound Design

Random Ambience Generator

Random Ambience generator that started as a Mod of a Tom Cosm max for live device.

The Mod adds selectable groups of sounds, interpolated crossfading, panning, random modulation and more!

Max Mood Machine

Max Mood Machine. Modular Meditation. Work in Progress Random generation of ambiance and musical mood motifs with modulation of filters, pan and effects . . #max #mood #machine #modular #meditation

Skate or Die Software Jam Session

#audiovisual sketch for #goskateboardingday & #makemusicday
Software Jam Session with @vuoflow @c74connect @ableton and #soundminer
Visuals running realtime in #vuo and sending #midi info out to #max , #ableton and #sounddesign in #soundminer #radium
#skateboard #retro #skateordie #8bit #chiptune #audiovisual #sounddesign

Automatic Sound Design Session

An old session designed to be able to switch elemental themes and quickly generate some content automatically. It does not cover the fine details and is more of a broad stroke approach to create some movement elements/layers.

It was also a simulation of potentially a game audio system that adapts to cinematics at runtime.

Some Old Sound Design concepts/ideas

Found some really old sound design concepts/ideas on the drive and thought i’d just archive them here in this playlist:

  • procedural wind simulation using Pure Data

  • some doppler / fake doppler techniques

  • procedural tank engine element that continuously rises ala Shepard tone

  • procedural helicopter in Pure Data

  • some granular techniques

SprayPaint Simulator

Generative SprayPaint simulator in MaxMSPJitter that controls sound realtime in Soundminers Radium sampler. Essentially exposing the generated X and Y positions and Size of spray as variables, a change in direction triggers events. Then translating to MIDI and sending to Radium sampler for sound triggering of layers and modulation.

The more manual controlled version using Roli lightblock is passing control parameters to Max over USB where i then over-ride the generative logic and manually control X Y and Size (with MPE pressure), which then gets tracked and translated to MIDI post-visual generation and sent to Radium for sound triggering of layers and modulation.

Ableton Max for Live PS3 parameter controller updates wip


Updating my custom PS3 Max for Live Parameter controller with:

  • multiple scalable mappings per parameter

  • gesture recording and looping

  • selectable MIDI note mapping - momentary or toggle

Potential here for some absolutely bonkers performable modulations!!

Quick realtime performance triggering drum loops and controlling cinematic sound design instruments

Ableton Max for Wwise

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Using Ableton Live and Max for Live to control Wwise via MIDI binding for prototyping purposes

Footstep Foley Sequencer in Max

Old prototype sequencing footstep and foley layers in different ways to sell the small intricate differences for different directions and speed, etc

Game Pad control of Soundminer's Radium sampler

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Using my Game Pad to control Soundminer’s Radium samplers. Super fun to apply MIDI control to filters and volumes and pitches and modulations and effects and dopplers all performable real time for sound design.

Oscilloscope 02

Some driving rhythm and pulse on the modular synth, driving an oscilloscope-like shader

Oscilloscope 01

Playing with some smooth tones on the modular synth and driving an oscilloscope shader

Synesthesia 02

Simulating Synesthesia: a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived by one or more additional sense such as sight. This example uses Audio frequency amplitudes to drive realtime Shader parameters.

Synesthesia 01

Simulating Synesthesia: a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived by one or more additional sense such as sight. This example uses Audio frequency amplitudes to drive realtime Shader parameters.

Human Controlled Tape Transport

The Landscape HC-TT is a fun and unique sound design device built for manual tape scrubbing. This is an example with my voice recorded to tape, manually scrubbed as its sent through some effects.