Pd~OSC 8bit touch sequencer control

The user can adjust the 16 step pitch and volume sequences which is reflected in the one pianoroll object in Pd. There is a randomize button for the pitch and volume sequence. Each step is highlighted with a green dot on the interface 16 step timeline. The sequence can be played forwards and backwards with adjustable tempo and transposition. The wavetable has 8 presets, a randomize function and can be drawn in, which is reflected in the wavetable window in Pd. The envelope also has 8 presets, a randomize function and can be drawn in, it is also reflected in the envelope window in Pd. There is also 5 effects: delay, distortion, wah, trails and pulse width modulation. And of course a transport section complete with pan, volume, mute, momentary mute, play forwards, play backwards, and stop.
This was more an exercise of implementing control than anything else, it actually doesn’t sound the greatest as it is still just an 8bit sequencer but it has a nice chiptunesque retro quality. I actually like the juxtaposition of the old sound with the new control technology. 
Audio in the video does not start until 00:34

Fan Drone

recorded my bathroom fan with contact mics and made a drone

Audio controlling Animation v1

Audio is being fed into Quartz Composer where it is being divided into multiple frequency bands. Each bands energy is scaled and the values are sent as OSC messages to Animata which animates the graphic.

iDevice Noisemix

Electronic track made from phone coil recordings of my new iPhone syncing.

iPhone 4 sync

My iPhone4 syncing recorded with phonecoil microphone. I think i'm gonna make a electronic/noise track with the source recordings.

glitch / image mashup in Max for Live

I designed and implemented the Interface SFX for Skate2 and created this clip showcasing some of the design elements used. The direction for the games audio interface design was very lofi, noizy, dirty, scratchy, distorted to match the 'do it yourself' visual style. Some of the samples have been mashed and processed into this electronic/glitch track.

I didn't have any video capture as in my other demo so I decided I would make a MaxForLive patch that did some clever image mashing and sequencing using audio input, timeline and tempo information from Ableton. The images were mostly image search results for Skate2.

Slinky Fun

It’s Slinky! Just banging on my slinky with some contact mics attached. Also running through some effects at times. Even tried vibrating with a shaver for an interesting effect then pitchshifting the results. What a wonderful toy, fun for a girl and a boy...


Chopped up a music box recording and resequenced it using a monome grid. The end of the song is the original recording. you might recognize it :)