Senior Technical Audio Artist | Audio Direction | Music Direction

Audio Contributions

  • Procedural Gibberish Systems
  • Music Systems and Implementation
  • Damage Feedback System
  • Technical Audio | Additional Sound Design and Implementation
  • Integration with FrostBite 3 game engine

It's the most Feastivus time of the year! Spend your holidays in Neighborville and bring your friends along for some holly-jolly couch co-op*. Explore the al...

A couple prototypes that mostly came to fruition from Plants VS Zombies Battle for Neighbourville:

  1. Gibberish generator that realtime drives mouth bones and triggers different animation states/gestures

  2. Giving Damage feedback: regular and critical damage amounts pitch scaled to health remaining, regular and critical vanquishes (kills)

found some old pre-pre-pre-alpha GW3 Battle for Neighbourville vid target videos for Art and Audio.

the internal development name was Picnic, which was also my contribution.

half the music was temp the other half was designed