Ableton Max for Wwise

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Using Ableton Live and Max for Live to control Wwise via MIDI binding for prototyping purposes

Collage Composition

Collage Composition Crawling in C Major

I’ve always liked sticker collages but never really wanted to commit to using my stickers to create one.. so i’ve built several collage generators of different kinds instead to automatically collage images. They’re kinda fun and of course i always try and build in some sort of audio generation or beat synced mechanic.. because nerd.

Swarmatron & Lemur

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Bringing the old Swarmatron emulation app to life with some Lemur physics modulations from iPad

Footstep Foley Sequencer in Max

Old prototype sequencing footstep and foley layers in different ways to sell the small intricate differences for different directions and speed, etc

Conversation Sequence Stitching in Max

Old prototype that randomly assigns characters to have a conversation and sequences through the stages using Max

Auto Harp Memories

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I inherited this great Auto-Harp from my wife's late grandpa. He was a very unique, eccentric and talented artist. I have never played an Auto-Harp before and am pretty sure I'm playing it incorrectly but managed to multi-track some performances and put something together in his memory with his instrument.

Game Pad control of Soundminer's Radium sampler

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Using my Game Pad to control Soundminer’s Radium samplers. Super fun to apply MIDI control to filters and volumes and pitches and modulations and effects and dopplers all performable real time for sound design.

Oscilloscope 02

Some driving rhythm and pulse on the modular synth, driving an oscilloscope-like shader

Oscilloscope 01

Playing with some smooth tones on the modular synth and driving an oscilloscope shader

Synesthesia 02

Simulating Synesthesia: a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived by one or more additional sense such as sight. This example uses Audio frequency amplitudes to drive realtime Shader parameters.

Synesthesia 01

Simulating Synesthesia: a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived by one or more additional sense such as sight. This example uses Audio frequency amplitudes to drive realtime Shader parameters.

Human Controlled Tape Transport

The Landscape HC-TT is a fun and unique sound design device built for manual tape scrubbing. This is an example with my voice recorded to tape, manually scrubbed as its sent through some effects.

Star Wars Squadrons Sound Design with Modular Synth


A quick capture of some Sound Design for Star Wars Squadrons, using my modular synth to mangle some samples into distorted drones and squelches. Designs to be edited and layered into weapon and explosion sounds.

Plants VS Zombies Battle for Neighborville Prototypes


A couple of prototypes that mostly came to fruition from Plants VS Zombies Battle for Neighborville:

  1. Gibberish generator that realtime drives mouth bones and triggers different animation states/gestures

2. Giving Damage feedback: regular and critical damage amounts pitch scaled to health remaining, also switching between regular and critical vanquishes (kills)

Plants VS Zombies Garden Warfare Sound Design


It’s a few years old now.. but thought i’d share some Tips, Tricks, Tools and Techniques from my time on the PVZ Franchise. I’ll break down some In-Game implementation and some Content Creation inspirations.