This was a fun old exercise built in Max simulating the dice game Skate Or Dice. Just randomly recombining a small sample set of my voice recordings to generate endless skateboard trick combinations 🛹 + 🎲 + 🛹 + 🎲 + 🛹
Hit Record = (sound + music) * (art + tech);
This was a fun old exercise built in Max simulating the dice game Skate Or Dice. Just randomly recombining a small sample set of my voice recordings to generate endless skateboard trick combinations 🛹 + 🎲 + 🛹 + 🎲 + 🛹
Little Jam session with @littlebits synth kit. LittleBits are like the Lego of fun little electronic components. Here is a little session syncing with a drum machine and another just recording a pressure sensitive servo.
Another unusual Sound Device. This is my BitBlob Jr by @bleeplabs bringin' the SKREEEEEE!!!!!!!!
A bunch of shaders that i modified to be driven by audio or used as a canvas for an audiovisual sketch.
An old session designed to be able to switch elemental themes and quickly generate some content automatically. It does not cover the fine details and is more of a broad stroke approach to create some movement elements/layers.
It was also a simulation of potentially a game audio system that adapts to cinematics at runtime.
Found some really old sound design concepts/ideas on the drive and thought i’d just archive them here in this playlist:
procedural wind simulation using Pure Data
some doppler / fake doppler techniques
procedural tank engine element that continuously rises ala Shepard tone
procedural helicopter in Pure Data
some granular techniques
Generative SprayPaint simulator in MaxMSPJitter that controls sound realtime in Soundminers Radium sampler. Essentially exposing the generated X and Y positions and Size of spray as variables, a change in direction triggers events. Then translating to MIDI and sending to Radium sampler for sound triggering of layers and modulation.
The more manual controlled version using Roli lightblock is passing control parameters to Max over USB where i then over-ride the generative logic and manually control X Y and Size (with MPE pressure), which then gets tracked and translated to MIDI post-visual generation and sent to Radium for sound triggering of layers and modulation.
Fun session controlling visuals in MaxMSPJitter and simultaneously triggering Soundminer radium samplers and Massive synthesizer with Roli Lightblock.
Work In Progress - Making a digital card game in Max8 that combines PATCH with Oblique Strategies and calling it my Modular Chance Casino. The idea is to promote creativity while reducing the often too many choices when playing on the modular system
Incorporating my entire system into the card instructions so when it suggests choosing X number of modules etc it will just pick them for me
Also adding live links to online documentation to refresh my memory that is full of audio documentation
Experimenting with some video and image processing.
Generated some AudioVisual smearing displacement videos/images.
Some chill OP-Z beats in the Maui heat from the vacation late last year with added Ukulele sent through Microcosm accompaniment
Cheers for tuning into the antonaudio frequency on your internet dial📻
I wanted to do some kind of #yearinreview videowall thingy with a mixer matrix that could scrub across the sound of each clip… so I built this weird setup:
the video wall was created in Final Cut and the
Mixer Matrix was created in Max and
then I combined the 2 systems together..
I thought of several ways to do this in realtime with Jitter or VJ software but 25 simultaneous video and audio is quite taxing on the system... so just got er done this way until I learn more video ninja techniques
Acoustic guitar and Hologram Electronics Microcosm.
Farewell 2021, been a blur. Happy Noise Year 2022
Just a little noodle on the guitar sent through the always dreamy microcosm, also blending some audio-visual blur/RGB video offset thing with the wet/dry audio mix parameter. Its always fun to match the video effect with the audio effect, in this case the video effect was completely inspired and driven by the audio